Intake Form
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How would you describe your relationship to style?
I try to blend in as much as possible and dress so as not to be noticed.
I want to work with what I’ve got but just don’t know how.
I'm always searching, always buying, and never satisfied.
I’ve found a look that works and I wear it all the time.
Every now and then I look fabulous, but don’t know how I create it.
I enjoy beauty and am able to put together a strong look most of the time.
I know what beauty is and how to create it—I often inspire others.
List 3 adjectives that describe the style you want to have. (Elegant, hip, classic, artistic, etc...)
Choose 4 adjectives that describe how you want to be perceived.
If other, please describe:
How would others describe your personality?
Very similar to above adjectives.
Similar to above adjectives.
Different from above adjectives
Very different from above adjectives
If you indicated "differently" or "very differently" then the above adjectives, please list a few adjectives that your friends would likely use to describe your personality:
With which areas of your personal style do you need the most help?
Personal Style
Personal Presence / Branded Style
Clothing Style and Fit
Color / Color Coordination
Hair / Makeup
If other, please describe:
What is the issue exactly and why is it a problem you want to solve?
What are you currently doing? What have you done in the past to try to resolve this? How long have you been aware this is a problem for you?
Inner Beauty (check all that feel like you.)
When I look in the mirror fully dressed, I typically love what I see.
When I look in the mirror without clothing, I feel love and acceptanc
I know and respect who I truly am as a woman.
I am aware of my self-talk and it supports me to be my very best.
None of these feel like me.
Outward Expression / Appearance (check all that feel like you.)
The person I express to the world is aligned with who I see myself to be.
I can describe my personal style and can spot it in clothing and accessories.
I know how to adjust my wardrobe based on what I want to convey.
I know how to select fabrics that are best for my body and style vision.
None of these feel like me.
Colour Consciousness (check all that feel like you.)
I have had a professional colour analysis and have a fabric palette I refer to when buying new items.
My wardrobe reflects colour hues in my ideal palette.
I understand how to use colour to covey the messages I wish.
I know what makeup colours are best for me.
None of these feel like me.
Body Type (check all that feel like you.)
I know my body proportions and how to select clothing to flatter my shape.
I understand how to choose the best shapes for my face and body.
I clearly know how to choose the best fabrics for my body type.
I understand my bone structure to help select the scale of details on my garments.
None of these feel like me.
Wardrobe (check all that feel like you.)
My closet has only the clothes that I love, that fit well, and I feel really good in.
I am able to get dressed easily because my closet is well organized, and void of non-wardrobe items.
The clothes in my wardrobe reflect the image and style I want to project to the world.
Every piece in my wardrobe can be mixed and matched with a variety of items.
None of these feel like me.
What is your current profession?
If you are not satisfied with your current job or career, what would you rather be doing? Are you currently working toward that goal?
What are the occasions in your life that you need to look better for?
How long have you had your current hair style?
Do you regularly apply makeup?
Not very often.
Describe any cultural considerations that should be factored into your personal look. For instance, religious considerations, cultural customs, job dress codes, etc.
What do you feel is standing in your way to prevent you from having amazing style?
Why is it an issue? What do you think would happen if it wasn't resolved? Why is it important to you?
What are the quantitative impacts of the issue in terms of time, money, and energy? This could include lost sleep, lost productivity hours, cost of worst case scenario, money already spent without return on investment, etc.
What happens if you don't improve your personal style or personal presence?
Please select the option that best describes you.
I am in a life transition and want my personal style to evolve along with me.
I am entering into a new career/business and want to project a more professional image.
I am not sure what I want, I only know I am not happy with my current personal style/personal presence.
How did you hear about Loretta? If you were referred by someone, please note the name here.
Your Commitment Level (which applies to you right now.)
Very committed / I have the financial resources to invest in my style.
Somewhat committed / I can gain access to the financial resources to invest in my style.
Not committed / I have very limited financial resources and I will keep my style where it is for now.
What is the budget for your personal style/personal presence transformation?
How would having a clearly defined personal style/personal presence and reliable wardrobe impact you in the next 12 months?
Photo 1: Upload a full-body photograph of yourself in a well lit place, wearing an outfit you like OR that you often wear.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
File size up to 3 MB max. jpg. pdf.
Photo 2: Upload a full-body photograph of yourself in a well lit place, wearing a favorite outfit OR one that you often wear.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
File size up to 3 MB max. jpg. pdf.
Photo #3: Upload a close-up photo that shows how you typically wear your hair and makeup, including any glasses you regularly wear.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.
File size up to 3 MB max. jpg. pdf.
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